Forgiveness is something I have been working on lately, forgiving the major things of the past, and little things that seem to seep into the cracks of my soul and irritate me more than the big things that tuck themselves away in the back of your mind and hide, causing you to become physically, spiritually, and emotionally sick, leaving you wondering why you feel the way you do, 'forgetting' about what happened so long ago. Things that leave you thinking "it happened so long ago it doesn't matter anymore" but deep down it really does matter even if you don't know it does. Unforgiving-ness is like a plague that seeps into your soul. But letting go is so freeing, even if it happens a little at time, Those small sighs of freedom that your body & soul seem make, even when the tiniest bit has been let go. Body and soul seem to function as one, leaving you free to be who you really are deep inside your soul once it has all been released. But not to fret, this takes time I am learning, the body seems to release as it is ready. I am wildly anticipating the day that it all disappears, leaving me with nothing but life.
here's to now...until the next deep thought enters my mind...
Cheri, this is soooo good. Very beautifully written. I love it.